City Secretary

The City of Blue Ridge Secretary’s Office impacts a diverse clientele, including the general public and other governmental entities.

The City Secretary is responsible for the management of public information, official records, elections, human resources, finance and for the official posting of public meetings, and legal publications.

As a public official, the passion and desires of the City Secretary is to focus on being a good steward for the City's budget dollars, while also endeavoring to take the best of care of our fellow citizenry.

Contact Info

Edie Sims
City Secretary
108 W James, Blue Ridge TX, 75424
(972) 752-5791
[email protected]

Joni Lawrence
Assistant City Secretary
108 W James, Blue Ridge, TX, 75424
[email protected]

Crystal Childers
Utility Clerk
108 W James, Blue Ridge TX, 75424
[email protected]

Brad Meserole
Public Works Director
108 W James, Blue Ridge TX, 75424
[email protected]